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Your Source for Custom Locker Tags and Door Tags for Over 10 Years!
Show your support for your school, team, or organization with customized spirit gear and accessories. We are an easy and affordable solution for creating custom gear for fans, student and alumni groups, community events, parent organizations, and much more!

Get Your Custom School Items Today
Ordering is Easy! Follow these simple steps.

Complete our form

Complete our form

Tell us about your team, school, or organization
Upload your logo

Upload your logo

Submit your logo to be added to your product
We make your design

We make your design

Our pros create your design and provide a quote
Get in the spirit

Get in the spirit

We complete your approved product and ship directly to you

What people are saying about us:

  • Just wanted to let you know we received the name tags and they look great! Thanks so much – Tory Sharpless Washington College
  • I’ve been working with Lockertags.net for almost 10 years now and they do a great job with their product. Their people are easy to work with, my orders have always shipped quickly and look great. Most importantly, my players love the personalized touch the locker tags add to our dugout cubbies. - Coach D. Miller
  • The product is great and Tory was great to work with as I was pretty picky on a design and she emailed me quite a few. Our kids work hard for everything they get and they really like these compared to the last boring engraved plates they had. - J. Hodges
  • You have been awesome at helping me out. Thank you so much for the help. - B Collette
  • Absolutely loved them both! Can we use one on our bag tags and one on our locker tags? Great job…I love the work you guys do. - S. Wagner